The study of separation of complexity classes with respect to random oracles was initiated by Bennett and Gill [ll and continued by many researchers. Computation relative to an oracle A, where A c (0, l}* is a computation which is allowed to ask queries of the form y E A? and get answers. A random oracle A is simply a random (with respect to Lebesgue measure) subset of IO, l)*, i.e. for each x E (0, l)*, x E A with probability 4 and all these events are mutually independent. Wilson [6,7] defined relativized circuit depth and constructed various oracles A for which PA # NCA, NC,A + NC;+E, AC; # AC;+E, AC; $Z NC:+,-, and NC; g AC:_, for all positive rational k and E, thus separating those classes for which no trivial argument shows inclusion (the definition of NC; and AC: is restricted to rational k for constructibility reasons). In this note we show that as a consequence of a single lemma, these separations (or improvements of them) hold with respect to a random oracle A with probability 1.
Jack H. Lutz,et al.
Errata for circuit size relative to pseudorandom oracles
[1991] Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference.
Jack H. Lutz,et al.
Circuit size relative to pseudorandom oracles
Proceedings Fifth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference.
Uzi Vishkin,et al.
Constant Depth Reducibility
SIAM J. Comput..
John Gill,et al.
Relative to a Random Oracle A, PA != NPA != co-NPA with Probability 1
SIAM J. Comput..
Christopher B. Wilson.
Relativized circuit complexity
24th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1983).
Christopher B. Wilson.
On the Decomposability of NC and AC
SIAM J. Comput..
S.A. Kurtz,et al.
Average dependence and random oracles
[1992] Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference.