Linear Structures in Blockciphers
A blockcipher maps each pair of plaintext and key onto a ciphertext in such a way that for every fixed key, the relationship between plaintexts and ciphertexts is one-to-one. It is assumed that plaintexts and ciphertexts belong to a message space comprising all bit-strings (sequences of zeros and ones) of a given length; keys are taken from a key space made up of aU bitstrings of a possibly Merent given length. A well-known blockcipher is the NBS Data Encryption Standard (DES) [6], whch is the iteration of sixteen essentially equal “rounds”.
[1] Adi Shamir,et al. On the Security of DES , 1985, CRYPTO.
[2] David Chaum,et al. Crytanalysis of DES with a Reduced Number of Rounds: Sequences of Linear Factors in Block Ciphers , 1985, CRYPTO.
[3] John Manferdelli,et al. DES Has No Per Round Linear Factors , 1985, CRYPTO.
[4] Joos Vandewalle,et al. Analytical Characteristics of the DES , 1983, CRYPTO.
[5] D. Chaum,et al. Cryptanalysis of DES with a reduced number of rounds , 1986, CRYPTO 1986.