Impedance of a circular loop in an infinite conducting medium
Thcrc is a curren t in terest in t he use of loops for t ran smitting and receiving clectromagnetic energy in a diss ipa t ive medium. Expressions for th e impedance of a loop in such a m edium are of valu e in des igning radiating and rccciving sys tems. Thc resistancc of a circular loop in a conducting medium has been discussed by Moore [1951] . In t he presen t papcr , expressions are derived fo r both the resis tance and reactance of a circular loop of thinly insulated wire which carries a uniform current a nd is surrounded by an infinite, homogeneous, condu cting medium. These express ions are valid if the wavelength in t he conducting medium is lal·ge compared with the diameter of the loop and if the displacernen t current in the m edium is negligible. Th e result for the resistan ce is compared with tha t of Wait [1957] for a circular loop in a spherical in sula ting cavity .