Automatic nationality detection of authors writing in the same language (such as Spanish) can be used for many tasks, like author attribution, building large corpora to analyse nationality specific writing styles, or detecting outliers like exiled or bilingual authors. While machine learning provides many methods in this area, the corresponding results are usually not directly interpretable. However, in the Digital Humanities, explainable models are of special interest, as the analysis of selected features can help to confirm assumptions about differing writing styles among countries, or reveal novel insights into country-specific formulations. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap: Our assumption is that nationality or country of origin of an author is strongly connected to their writing style. Thus, we first present a machine learning approach to automatically classifying literary texts regarding their author’s nationality. We then provide an analysis of the most relevant features for this classification and show that they are well interpretable from a literary and linguistic standpoint.
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Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant Features
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The Globalization of the Novel and the Novelization of the Global. A Critique of World Literature