Determination of the Electron Temperature of a Hot Gold Plasma Utilizing High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of the L-Band Emission

Summary form only given. The X-ray emission of high-temperature plasmas contains a wealth of information about the plasma conditions. One of the plasma parameters of interest is the electron temperature which can be determined from the distribution of the ionic species in the plasma. Each ion charge distribution emits a characteristic X-ray spectrum and, thus, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy provides a tool to observe this characteristic "fingerprint". We present survey spectra from highly charged gold ions which have been measured at the Livermore SuperEBIT facility. These survey spectra show that measuring the L-shell emission of highly charged gold ions can be used for the determination of the electron temperature in high-temperature gold plasmas, such as laser-generated plasmas of gold hohlraums and halfraums, respectively