Implementation of E-Portfolio in the First Academic Year at the University of Teacher Education St. Gallen
The students of the university of teacher education St.Gallen (PHSG, Switzerland) document aspects of their learning process affiliated with their first experiences in a practical training class during their first academic year linked with an E-Portfolio (Weblog). The first presented study reports findings (n= 129; questionnaire; Man Withney U-Tests; Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tests) concerning the attitude of the students to the E-Portfolio in the domains of precognition, attitude, interests, use, relevance, learning progress, effort and motivation. The second study reveals first findings concerning the implementation of E-Assessment with a first strategic focus on the work schedule of involved professors and process orientated assessment, which assesses the learning process on the E-Portfolio on a weekly basis (n=13; interview; development of an assessment scale).