‘Everything we do, is a drop in the ocean. But, if we don't do it, that drop will be lost for ever’ Mother Teresa Over the last dozen years, as doctors for homeless people in Pittsburgh, USA and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we have been networking internationally and travelled the streets to find social and medical workers who bring care to homeless people. We felt the need to reach out on the streets to meet homeless people and their problems, and to reach into mainstream services, academic centres and research institutes, to meet the needs of professionals in housing, social and medical work to deliver integrated care.1,,2 We sought knowledge and experience to be integrated in practice, education and research, to better serve homeless people.3–6
The networking efforts resulted in several meetings in the USA and Europe. In the USA, in 2005, the inaugural International Street Medicine Symposium was held in Pittsburgh, the second in Santa Barbara in 2006, and the third in Houston in 2007, www.streetmedicine.org. In Europe, a ‘Doctors for Homeless’ workshop was organized in cooperation with homeless health workers from Oxford University, Harvard University and the US Street Medicine Network, during the fifth International Conference on Urban Health in Amsterdam, www.icuh2006.com
Building on the strength and goals of FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless www.feantsa.org, meetings were held to integrate social and medical care for homeless people, which resulted in the European Network of Homeless Health Workers (ENHW). The efforts of FEANTSA's policy officer Dearbhal Murphy have resulted in a seasonal …
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Improving housing, improving health: the need for collaborative working.
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Dying in the shadows: the challenge of providing health care for homeless people
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Outreach to the Homeless: Craft, Science, and Future Implications
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Project MégapolesPromoting better health for socially disadvantaged groups across Europe
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How to provide for the primary health care needs of homeless people: what do homeless people in Leicester think?
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.