Characterization of bond performance of textiles in cement matrices using fiber optic sensors

The bond behavior of textiles embedded in concrete and consisting of multi filament yarns (rovings) differs from that of homogenous materials such as steel. Test results published in the literature as well as own investigations revealed that, for textile reinforced concrete, it has to be distinguished between external and internal bond of the fibers (filaments). The outer filaments which have direct contact to the cement matrix show a good bonding performance. In contrast to this, the inner filaments (core filaments) of a roving transfer forces only by friction, resulting in a less bonding to the surrounding matrix. In order to confirm such a bonding model, strain and slip measurements at single filaments are necessary in pull-out-samples. However, such measurements are not possible with strain gauges usually used in structural engineering. Therefore, strains in outer and inner filaments as well as in the cement matrix of selected samples are measured by using flexible Fabry-Perot fiber interferometer sensors.