Análise da saúde da criança no estado de Santa Catarina. Brasil: de 1982 a 2018

Objective: To analyze policies and programs directed to child health, in the state of Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil, between 1982 and 2018, as well as their contributions to the infant mortality reduction in the state. Method: Historical research, with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through documentary research, with manual and electronic search; the documents obtained were submitted to content analysis. Results: Health surveillance strategies and primary health care, aimed at the maternal-infant and neonatal public are pointed out as the main responsible for the advancement of the child’s health, in SC. The indicators of infant mortality and vaccination coverage, together with the analysis of Santa Catarina’s health programs / strategies, pointed these results. Conclusion and implications for practice: The state of SC has invested, over 36 years, in various actions and programs that have promoted the improvement of child health, with emphasis on actions of municipal scope. By analyzing and synthesizing information previously pulverized in historical documents, this work contributes to the visualization and understanding about government practices aimed at children in SC, in the last decades, facilitating the replication of good practices.