Problems And Theorems In Classical Set Theory

Problems.- Operations on sets.- Countability.- Equivalence.- Continuum.- Sets of reals and real functions.- Ordered sets.- Order types.- Ordinals.- Ordinal arithmetic.- Cardinals.- Partially ordered sets.- Transfinite enumeration.- Euclidean spaces.- Zorn's lemma.- Hamel bases.- The continuum hypothesis.- Ultrafilters on ?.- Families of sets.- The Banach-Tarski paradox.- Stationary sets in ?1.- Stationary sets in larger cardinals.- Canonical functions.- Infinite graphs.- Partition relations.- ?-systems.- Set mappings.- Trees.- The measure problem.- Stationary sets in [?]<?.- The axiom of choice.- Well-founded sets and the axiom of foundation.- Solutions.- Operations on sets.- Countability.- Equivalence.- Continuum.- Sets of reals and real functions.- Ordered sets.- Order types.- Ordinals.- Ordinal arithmetic.- Cardinals.- Partially ordered sets.- Transfinite enumeration.- Euclidean spaces.- Zorn's lemma.- Hamel bases.- The continuum hypothesis.- Ultrafilters on ?.- Families of sets.- The Banach-Tarski paradox.- Stationary sets in ?1.- Stationary sets in larger cardinals.- Canonical functions.- Infinite graphs.- Partition relations.- ?-systems.- Set mappings.- Trees.- The measure problem.- Stationary sets in [?]<?.- The axiom of choice.- Well-founded sets and the axiom of foundation.