Effect of Manganese on Bone Formation Studied With Radioactive Isotopes

Abstract THE importance of manganese in the development of normal bones and the prevention of perosis was demonstrated several years ago by Wilgus et al. (1936). Numerous subsequent investigations have confirmed the role of manganese in the prevention of certain types of perosis. However, there is still very little information available concerning the specific functions of manganese in bone development. Chemical analyses, X-ray examinations and bone sections stained with silver nitrate have indicated that calcification of bones from manganese deficient animals is not greatly impaired, even though the lack of this element does cause the formation of structurally weak, crooked bones. Gallup and Norris (1938) reported that calcification of the bones of chickens fed a low-manganese diet appeared to be normal by X-ray examination even though the bones were perceptibly shorter and thicker than normal. Caskey et al. (1939) found that the ash content of the bones of chicks fed a …