5 ladders of active learning: an innovative learning steps in PBL process

University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has decided since 2005 to fully implement Problem-based Learning (PBL) in teaching and learning. Since then, PBL has become the major teaching and learning approach among lecturers and students. However, some problems were reportedly faced by the students and the lecturers due to the lack of proper instruction provided for the students. A number of steps have been taken to overcome these problems. One of the main steps is to design and implement a proper learning instruction and module. The module is an innovative invention comprises a comprehensive learning system and a practical step by step learning process called 5 Ladders of Active Learning. A study was conducted on the implementation of this new innovative PBL learning process. 148 students from 4 faculties were selected to be the respondents. A set of questionnaire was developed and distributed to the respondents at the end of semester. The data were collected and analysed using SPSS application, and reported in form of mean score and percentage. Finding shows that students highly appreciate the introduction of 5 Ladders of Active Learning and it was seen as highly effective in improving their PBL learning experience. However they were also suggested that 5 Ladders of Active Learning be incorporated into a comprehensive learning system including with the incorporation of interactive learning materials and paperless learning initiative. Thus, further studies focussing on the development of a comprehensive learning system with the incorporation of interactive learning materials and paperless learning initiative is highly recommended in the near future.