THEOREM 1. (K. Wagner) Any two maximal planar graphs with the same number of vertices are equivalent under diagnal transformations. A maximal planar graph $G$ is a simple graph embedded in the plane such that one can add no new edge to it in the plane, that is, such a one that each region or face is three-edged. The diagonal transformation is to switch the diagonal edge $ac$ in the union of two adjacent triangular faces $abc$ and $acd$ , as shown in Figure 1. We however have to preserve the simpleness of graphs, that is, the diagonal transformation cannot be applied if vertices $b$ and $d$ are adjacent in $G$ .
G. Ringel,et al.
Minimal triangulations on orientable surfaces
Kenneth Appel,et al.
The Four-Color Problem
A. K. Dewdney,et al.
Wagner's theorem for Torus graphs
Discret. Math..
Frank Harary,et al.
Graph Theory
G. Ringel,et al.
Wie man die geschlossenen nichtorientierbaren Flächen in möglichst wenig Dreiecke zerlegen kann
K. Wagner.
Bemerkungen zum Vierfarbenproblem.