Utilizing UAV-based mapping in post disaster volcano eruption

This paper shows some practical experiences of utilizing UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)-Based mapping in post disaster for rapid assessment. Some cases are Merapi volcano eruption in year 2010 for seeing the cold lava flow impact and mapping the shelter area; and Kelud volcano eruption in year 2014 for seeing the impact and volumetric material calculation. This meet the need, because the Indonesia archipelago region is locate at Geologic features Pacific Ring of Fire belt. This led the region into a natural disaster-prone area of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. For keeping practical reliabilities, the UAV-based mapping system was built up by a common instrumentations from hobby shop, such as the aeromodelling plane platform and digital pocket camera. The system should have some basic products capabilities such as Orthophoto Image, and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). For seeing the manmade objects clearly, the ground sampling distance (GSD) of orthophoto image should less than 15 cm, while for volumetric material analysis the gridding DEM less than 2m spacing. The average horizontal positioning accuracy can be obtained up to 3 pixels or equivalent to sub-meter geometry accuracy. The Orthophoto image can provide visual interpretation such as the individual damage objects, and changes situation, while the DEM can derive terrain topography, and volumetric calculation with accuracy 3–5 pixel or sub-meter also. Utilizing this system also open the possibilities for running the participatory mapping, where local people can be involve in thematic map production.