We report here on non-destructive high-resolution imaging of ULSI microelectronics, using a phase contrast X-ray microscopy technique with Fresnel zone plate lenses that has been developed at a photon energy of 4keV. In comparison with electron microscopy, keV X-ray microscopy has advantages in terms of ease of sample preparation, since for transmission electron microscopy, thin sections have to be prepared, or in scanning electron microscopy, only surfaces down to a few 10nm depth can be studied. X-ray microscopy in the multi-keV photon energy range offers unique possibilities to non-destructively study small structures buried in thick dense samples with high spatial (currently 60nm) resolution. Since the absorption becomes smaller with increasing photon energy, we applied a method for contrast enhancement as first proposed by Zernike for visible light. While the amplitude contrast between copper and silicon dioxide in these samples is only 7%, negative as well as positive Zernike phase contrast were demonstrated with a contrast of 40% and 45%, respectively.
Erik H. Anderson,et al.
Dynamical x-ray microscopy investigation of electromigration in passivated inlaid Cu interconnect structures
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.
Miss A.O. Penney.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.
W. Ludwig,et al.
X-ray microscopy in Zernike phase contrast mode at 4 keV photon energy with 60 nm resolution
Andrew G. Glen,et al.
Wolfgang Ludwig,et al.
Phase contrast X-ray microscopy at 4 keV photon energy with 60 nm resolution
G. Schneider,et al.
Cryo X-ray microscopy with high spatial resolution in amplitude and phase contrast.