How to be a better negotiator in the digital realm

lar meetings (probably as part of a formal appraisal system) which will enable them to identify and agree on development goals and objectives. It also means that they should make sure that they have appropriate coaching skills (or make sure that the acquisition of such skills is on their personal development plans). Finally, companies need to show a real commitment. At one level it means allocating resources in advance – and not (as a straw poll I took recently showed) financing training by raiding another part of the budget. At another level it means sending clear messages that development is valued – which means giving staff real time to do it. It also means setting up resources – such as libraries and self-learning activities. Apart from anything else, this should be seen as a matter of self-preservation for publishing houses. The industry is going through major changes. Those companies that will continue to thrive will be those that have learnt to adapt and develop. Inevitably, those working in those companies must have acquired the skills of adapting and developing too.