Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Image Clustering via the SocialWeb

In this paper, we present a new learning scenario, heterogeneous transfer learning, which improves learning performance when the data can be in different feature spaces and where no correspondence between data instances in these spaces is provided. In the past, we have classified Chinese text documents using English training data under the heterogeneous transfer learning framework. In this paper, we present image clustering as an example to illustrate how unsupervised learning can be improved by transferring knowledge from auxiliary heterogeneous data obtained from the social Web. Image clustering is useful for image sense disambiguation in query-based image search, but its quality is often low due to imagedata sparsity problem. We extend PLSA to help transfer the knowledge from social Web data, which have mixed feature representations. Experiments on image-object clustering and scene clustering tasks show that our approach in heterogeneous transfer learning based on the auxiliary data is indeed effective and promising.

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