Scrambled bus between the data return method Homing

The present invention discloses a method of normalization scrambled sequence between a bus return data, the method steps of: 1) Master side member host sends a request to the plurality of features by The Slave Bus Master, according to the time sequence for each transmitted sequence request identification is provided a self-energizing token signal, and 11 an address associated with the request sent to the Slave side member corresponding to the function; 2) the response of each feature requests a Slave Slave bus address signals received by the isolated identification order response data and the card return signal is sent back to Master side bus together;. 3) Master side receives data returned by the Master bus and temporarily stored, the determination of the identification token signal and sequentially transmits the token returns a response signal according to a sequence identification data to the host component. The present invention has the advantage to achieve simple, high efficiency, high portability, low power consumption.