Determinants of cognitive maps of the world as expressed in sketch maps
Sketch maps of the world drawn by Brazilian university students were coded for frequency of inclusion of nations. The relationship between inclusion, as an indicator of world knowledge, and physical/social characteristics of individual countries was examined using correlation and multiple regression analyses. Predictive variables included map features, economic development, geopolitical importance, and others. A split-sample strategy allowed for an exploratory regression analysis followed by a cross-validation phase, which generated a final model that accounted for 76 per cent of the variance of the dependent variable. The main influences upon the inclusion of nations on the sketch maps were exerted by world indicators of geo-political and military power, size of the country and economic importance, followed by less powerful determinants based on cultural similarities and location of the country on a world map. Sample specifics are presented and implications for the cumulative understanding of world knowledge are discussed within the conceptual framework of cognitive maps of all scales.