Theories of Distributive Justice
Acknowledgments Introduction The Measurement of Utility and Arrow's Theorem The Measurability and Comparability of Utility The Arrow Impossibility Theorem Reformulation of the Impossibility Theorem with Utility Functions The Connection between Arrovian Social Choice and Distributive Justice Social Choice on Economic Environments Conclusion Axiomatic Bargaining Theory Justice as Rational Prudence The Nash Bargaining Solution Other Axiomatizations of the Nash Solution The Kalai-Smorodinsky and Egalitarian Solutions A Criticism from the Economic Point of View Conclusion Axiomatic Mechanism Theory on Economic Environments Introduction The Domain of Economic Environments Axioms and Theorems on Economic Environments Proofs of Theorems Naming Utility and Goods Conclusion Utilitarianism Introduction Maskin's Theorem The Representation Theorems of Harsanyi and Myerson Utilitarianism from behind the Veil of Ignorance An Implication for the Interpretation of Individual Optimization under Uncertainty Optimal Population Size Conclusion Primary Goods, Fundamental Preferences, and Functionings Countering Utilitarianism Primary Goods, Welfare, and Equality Rawls's Arguments for Maximin (the Difference Principle) The Cohen Criticism Kolm's Fundamental Preferences Functionings and Capability Equality of Functionings or Primary Goods: An Alternative Approach Conclusion Neo-Lockeanism and Self-Ownership Nozick's Theory of Distributive Justice Challenges to Nozick Joint Ownership of the External World Generalizations of Locke on Economic Environments Implementation The Morality of Self-Ownership Conclusion Equality of Welfare versus Equality of Resources Introduction Dworkin on Equality of Welfare Countering Dworkin's Central Argument against Equality of Welfare Dworkin's Definition of Equality of Resources An Axiomatic Approach to Equality of Resources Conclusion Equality of Opportunity for Welfare Relocating Dworkin's Cut, 1 Relocating Dworkin's Cut, 2 Equality of Opportunity: An Example Equality of Opportunity: A Formalization A Discrete Formulation of Equality of Opportunity Examples of the EOp Mechanism Related Approaches to Equality of Opportunity Conclusion Appendix Appendix: Envy-Free Allocations References Index