Total quality preventive management module and system development in engineering maintenance

This project is focusing on Facilities Maintenance and Asset Management to help Malaysian industry player improve their competitiveness by identify the knowledge and skills required for performing jobs in an organization. As machine equipment and tools are the foundation of manufacturing industries, its improvement in maintainability is the key to reliability, ensure minimum running cost (life of tool) and provide efficiency in production (S.Uetake, 2008). Meanwhile, technology is an important factor in achieving competitive advantage but it would be worthless if the operators running it are lack of knowledge and skills in maintenance. (Ahmad Al-Rfou, 2010). The objectives of this study are to determine the competencies needed in machining shop maintenance and to identify the factors that drive effective maintenance training program. In the end, this study would propose guidance for machining shop with the relevant skills required for their maintenance staff. The related theoretical approach is total quality management (TQM) which is suitable to ensure quality in maintenance program based on its soft approach if compare to hard approach by ISO (Ab Wahid and Corner, 2009). Furthermore, most industries are already familiar with it (Tufan, 2007). Within it, PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) cycle is the most simple and easy to understand compare to other quality improvement methodologies. The research method applied will be a qualitative research, where the four main approaches for data collection which are participant’s observation, depth interviews, focused group interviews and projective techniques will be used. For the interview, beside the background and demographic questions, the exploratory questions would revolve on the individual competencies/skills needed for each maintenance strategy (Preventive, Predictive, Reactive, and Corrective) in Machining Shop. The interview will also be based on a predetermined framework with a clear objective to achieve the customers’ production expectations to becoming more competitive.