Age-group differences in Near Field Communication smartphone

Purpose – The purpose of this paper are twofold: first, develop a novel concept of a mobiquitous home application (Near Field Communication Smartphone Entertainment Systems (NFC SES)) with the use of photo interface and NFC smartphone. Second, examine age-group differences in relation to the influence of intuitive, convenience and perceived usefulness on users’ behavioural intention to use NFC SES. Design/methodology/approach – Using design science research, NFC SES is developed and a survey of 52 users is conducted to evaluate NFC SES. Findings – There are age differences in individual behavioural intention to use NFC technology. Convenience appears to be the primary factor for the youths. The adult cohort, in contrast emphasizes intuitive and perceived usefulness as two significant determinants of their behavioural intention to use NFC SES. Practical implications – This study offers a fresh insight for mobile device manufacturer and application developers to focus their design efforts around three aspec...

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