Hue uniformity and the CIELAB space and color difference formula
The hue uniformity of the CIELAB system is investigated using a hue circle of Munsell colors at value 6 and chroma 14 and experimentally determined hue coefficient data. CIELAB hue differences for equal Munsell hue increments are found to vary up to nearly a factor 4, and hue coefficients differ from the experimentally determined ones by up to 40% at certain wavelengths. Dominant wavelengths assigned by the CIELAB system to individual Munsell hues are found to vary up to 35 nm from those of the Munsell Renotations. Four other color space systems are compared with widely differing but comparable results. The CIE 2° color-matching functions are adapted to result in a set of opponent-color functions accurately representing the Munsell Hue and Chroma data. A call is made for the experimental determination of the “standard hue observer” as a step toward an improved color space/color-difference formula. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 23, 314–322, 1998