Spelling Correction Real-Time American Sign Language Alphabet Translation System Based on YOLO Network and LSTM

In this paper, we present a novel approach that aims to solve one of the main challenges in hand gesture recognition tasks in static images, to compensate for the accuracy lost when trained models are used to interpret completely unseen data. The model presented here consists of two main data-processing stages. A deep neural network (DNN) for performing handshape segmentation and classification is used in which multiple architectures and input image sizes were tested and compared to derive the best model in terms of accuracy and processing time. For the experiments presented in this work, the DNN models were trained with 24,000 images of 24 signs from the American Sign Language alphabet and fine-tuned with 5200 images of 26 generated signs. The system was real-time tested with a community of 10 persons, yielding a mean average precision and processing rate of 81.74% and 61.35 frames-per-second, respectively. As a second data-processing stage, a bidirectional long short-term memory neural network was implemented and analyzed for adding spelling correction capability to our system, which scored a training accuracy of 98.07% with a dictionary of 370 words, thus, increasing the robustness in completely unseen data, as shown in our experiments.

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