Development of Textile Fabrics Flexible Platform based Multiple Bio-Signal Central Monitoring System for Emergency Situational Awareness in High-Risk Working Environments

The purpose of this paper is to implement a multiple bio-signal central monitoring system based on ∙제1저자 : 전기만 ∙교신저자 : 고광철 ∙투고일 : 2014. 10. 29, 심사일 : 2014. 11. 13, 게재확정일 : 2014. 12. 03. * 한양대학교 전기생체공학부(Division of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University) ** 전자부품연구원 메디컬IT융합연구센터(Medical IT Convergence Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute) 228 Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information December 2014 textile fabrics flexible platform which can obtain and monitor bio signals(heart rate, body temperature, electrocardiography, electromyogram) of workers in special working environments and additional situational information (3-axis acceleration, temperature, humidity, illumination, surrounding image). This system can prevent various accidents that may occur in the remote work environment and provide fast and efficient response by detecting workers’situations in real-time. For it, the textile fabrics flexible platform was made as innerwear or outerwear so that it does not interfere with workers’ performance while collecting bio-signal and situational information, and obtained information is sent to the central monitoring system through wireless communication. The central monitoring system is based on wireless medical telemetry service of WMTS (Wireless Medical Telemetry Service); can monitor from 2 to 32 people simultaneously; and was designed so that it can be expanded. Also, in this study, to verify performance of the WMTS communication model, packet transmission rates were compared according to the distance. ▸