Reporting Imperfections and their Consequences in LTE Networks

In modern wireless networks, the signal quality i n wireless channel is estimated based on the channel quality measurements. The measurement results are used to se lect appropriate modulation and coding scheme for each transmission. The target of the link adaptation is to reach the desired block error rate operation point. Operation point and system performance could potentially be compromised by nonconsistent / biased channel quality indicator repor ting caused by, e.g., differently calibrated user equipments or har dware inaccuracies. This paper evaluates the extent of tha t phenomenon through different combinations of traffic types, bias settings and system loads by the means of fully dynamic system s imulations. The in-depth results verified that on the system lev el the performance is not significantly impacted by reporting imperfections. Long term evolution is used as an exa mple technology in this study, but the same concepts are applicable to other wireless technologies also.