MaD TwinNet: Masker-Denoiser Architecture with Twin Networks for Monaural Sound Source Separation

Monaural singing voice separation task focuses on the prediction of the singing voice from a single channel music mixture signal. Current state of the art (SOTA) results in monaural singing voice separation are obtained with deep learning based methods. In this work we present a novel recurrent neural approach that learns long-term temporal patterns and structures of a musical piece. We build upon the recently proposed Masker-Denoiser (MaD) architecture and we enhance it with the Twin Networks, a technique to regularize a recurrent generative network using a backward running copy of the network. We evaluate our method using the Demixing Secret Dataset and we obtain an increment to signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) of 0.37 dB and to signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of 0.23 dB, compared to previous SOTA results.

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