A Note On Three Abnormal Samples Of Benthic Foraminifers From The Dikili Bay (TURKEY) In The Northeastrn Aegean Sea: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp., and Elphidium crispum (Linne)

Three of nine foraminifer samples collected from the Dikili Bay in the northwestern Aegean Sea yielded three species demonstrating aberrance in development: Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Rosalina sp. and Elphidium crispum (Linne). We suggest that the cause for such abnormalities may well be thermal springs, which are known to exist in the regions of the Dikili Bay and the Island of Lesbos to the west, and correspondingly high proportion of certain elements in the waters.