Alternate methodologies to experimentally investigate shock initiation properties of explosives

Reactive flow models are desired for new explosive formulations early in the development stage. Traditionally, these models are parameterized by carefully-controlled 1-D shock experiments, including gas-gun testing with embedded gauges and wedge testing with explosive plane wave lenses (PWL). These experiments are easy to interpret due to their 1-D nature, but are expensive to perform and cannot be performed at all explosive test facilities. This work investigates alternative methods to probe shock-initiation behavior of new explosives using widely-available pentolite gap test donors and simple time-of-arrival type diagnostics. These experiments can be performed at a low cost at most explosives testing facilities. This allows experimental data to parameterize reactive flow models to be collected much earlier in the development of an explosive formulation. However, the fundamentally 2-D nature of these tests may increase the modeling burden in parameterizing these models and reduce general applicability. S...