Predictor-based Bounded Fuzzy Control for Target Enclosing of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle

A target enclosing scheme is investigated for autonomous surface vehicles. The target moves with a time-varying and unknown velocity, and only the relative range and angle is available. A yaw rate control law is proposed at first, where an extended state observer is designed to identify relative dynamics. Next, using the torque and position date from the follower, a fuzzy system is utilized based on prediction errors to estimate the dynamics caused by parametric uncertainty, unmodeled hydrodynamics and external disturbances. Finally, using the reconstructed unknown dynamics, a predictor-based bounded kinetic control law is proposed. Though Lyapunov theory, the target enclosing system is analyzed, and the result of input-to-state stability is proved. Simulation study for two vehicles shows the effectiveness of this target enclosing controller.

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