Eimer, Bruce N. (2002). Hypnotize Yourself Out of Pain Now! Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Press. xxiv + 207 pages. $14.96 (paper). Reviewed by: Daniel L. Handel, M.D., National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Indeed, Capafons (2004) has recently tantalized us with an especially thoughtful discussion of the implications of the complex interactions between social and cultural factors and the hypnotic experience in Spain. The present volume is limited by a lack of both theoretical and geographic diversity. Moreover, it does not fulfill the ambitious goals of the editors implied by the outline of their book. Nevertheless, readers who have had an introductory workshop on clinical hypnosis and who wish to pursue some of the topics normally covered in somewhat greater depth might wish to consult this volume. Those hoping for a comprehensive introduction to contemporary theory and evidence-based practice and those who are interested in gaining a wide-ranging international perspective on the topic of hypnosis will need to complement this volume with other resources.