Multi-relational Poincaré Graph Embeddings

Hyperbolic embeddings have recently gained attention in machine learning due to their ability to represent hierarchical data more accurately and succinctly than their Euclidean analogues. However, multi-relational knowledge graphs often exhibit multiple simultaneous hierarchies, which current hyperbolic models do not capture. To address this, we propose a model that embeds multi-relational graph data in the Poincare ball model of hyperbolic space. Our Multi-Relational Poincare model (MuRP) learns relation-specific parameters to transform entity embeddings by Mobius matrix-vector multiplication and Mobius addition. Experiments on the hierarchical WN18RR knowledge graph show that our Poincare embeddings outperform their Euclidean counterpart and existing embedding methods on the link prediction task, particularly at lower dimensionality.

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