Since the Brain Order Disorder (BOD) group reported on a high density Electroencephalogram (EEG) to capture the neuronal information using EEG to wirelessly interface with a Smartphone [1,2], a larger BOD group has been assembled, including the Obama BRAIN program, CUA Brain Computer Interface Lab and the UCSD Swartz Computational Neuroscience Center. We can implement the pair-electrodes correlation functions in order to operate in a real time daily environment, which is of the computation complexity of O(N3) for N=102~3 known as functional f-EEG. The daily monitoring requires two areas of focus. Area #(1) to quantify the neuronal information flow under arbitrary daily stimuli-response sources. Approach to #1: (i) We have asserted that the sources contained in the EEG signals may be discovered by an unsupervised learning neural network called blind sources separation (BSS) of independent entropy components, based on the irreversible Boltzmann cellular thermodynamics(ΔS < 0), where the entropy is a degree of uniformity. What is the entropy? Loosely speaking, sand on the beach is more uniform at a higher entropy value than the rocks composing a mountain – the internal binding energy tells the paleontologists the existence of information. To a politician, landside voting results has only the winning information but more entropy, while a non-uniform voting distribution record has more information. For the human’s effortless brain at constant temperature, we can solve the minimum of Helmholtz free energy (H = E − TS) by computing BSS, and then their pairwise-entropy source correlation function. (i) Although the entropy itself is not the information per se, but the concurrence of the entropy sources is the information flow as a functional-EEG, sketched in this 2nd BOD report. Area #(2) applying EEG bio-feedback will improve collective decision making (TBD). Approach to #2: We introduce a novel performance quality metrics, in terms of the throughput rate of faster (Δt) & more accurate (ΔA) decision making, which applies to individual, as well as team brain dynamics. Following Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahnmen’s novel “Thinking fast and slow”, through the brainwave biofeedback we can first identify an individual’s “anchored cognitive bias sources”. This is done in order to remove the biases by means of individually tailored pre-processing. Then the training effectiveness can be maximized by the collective product Δt * ΔA. For Area #1, we compute a spatiotemporally windowed EEG in vitro average using adaptive time-window sampling. The sampling rate depends on the type of neuronal responses, which is what we seek. The averaged traditional EEG measurements and are further improved by BSS decomposition into finer stimulus-response source mixing matrix [A] having finer & faster spatial grids with rapid temporal updates. Then, the functional EEG is the second order co-variance matrix defined as the electrode-pair fluctuation correlation function C(s~, s~’) of independent thermodynamic source components. (1) We define a 1-D Space filling curve as a spiral curve without origin. This pattern is historically known as the Peano-Hilbert arc length a. By taking the most significant bits of the Cartesian product a≡ O(x * y * z), it represents the arc length in the numerical size with values that map the 3-D neighborhood proximity into a 1-D neighborhood arc length representation. (2) 1-D Fourier coefficients spectrum have no spurious high frequency contents, which typically arise in lexicographical (zig-zag scanning) discontinuity [Hsu & Szu, “Peano-Hilbert curve,” SPIE 2014]. A simple Fourier spectrum histogram fits nicely with the Compressive Sensing CRDT Mathematics. (3) Stationary power spectral density is a reasonable approximation of EEG responses in striate layers in resonance feedback loops capable of producing a 100, 000 neuronal collective Impulse Response Function (IRF). The striate brain layer architecture represents an ensemble <IRF< e.g. at V1-V4 of Brodmann areas 17-19 of the Cortex, i.e. stationary Wiener-Kintchine-Einstein Theorem. Goal#1: functional-EEG: After taking the 1-D space-filling curve, we compute the ensemble averaged 1-D Power Spectral Density (PSD) and then make use of the inverse FFT to generate f-EEG. (ii) Goal#2 individual wellness baseline (IWB): We need novel change detection, so we derive the ubiquitous fat-tail distributions for healthy brains PSD in outdoor environments (Signal=310°C; Noise=27°C: SNR=310/300; 300°K=(1/40)eV). The departure from IWB might imply stress, fever, a sports injury, an unexpected fall, or numerous midnight excursions which may signal an onset of dementia in Home Alone Senior (HAS), discovered by telemedicine care-giver networks. Aging global villagers need mental healthcare devices that are affordable, harmless, administrable (AHA) and user-friendly, situated in a clothing article such as a baseball hat and able to interface with pervasive Smartphones in daily environment.
W. Freeman,et al.
Fine temporal resolution of analytic phase reveals episodic synchronization by state transitions in gamma EEGs.
Journal of neurophysiology.
T. Deboer,et al.
Brain temperature dependent changes in the electroencephalogram power spectrum of humans and animals
Journal of sleep research.
A. Hodgkin,et al.
A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve
Francesco Carlo Morabito,et al.
Enhanced Compressibility of EEG Signal in Alzheimer's Disease Patients
IEEE Sensors Journal.
W. Singer.
Consciousness and the Binding Problem
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Munther A. Dahleh,et al.
Automated classification of EEG signals in brain tumor diagnostics
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.00CH36334).
G. Edelman,et al.
A measure for brain complexity: relating functional segregation and integration in the nervous system.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
R. FitzHugh.
Theoretical Effect of Temperature on Threshold in the Hodgkin-Huxley Nerve Model
The Journal of general physiology.
Tzyy-Ping Jung,et al.
Using Feedforward Neural Networks to Monitor Alertness from Changes in EEG Correlation and Coherence
G. Benedek,et al.
Thermal and chemical stimulations of the hypothalamic heat detectors: the effects of the EEG.
Acta physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae.
J. Gardiner,et al.
The Fractal Nature of the Brain: EEG Data Suggests That the Brain Functions as a "Quantum Computer" in 5-8 Dimensions
J J Hopfield,et al.
What is a moment? Transient synchrony as a collective mechanism for spatiotemporal integration.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.