A contribution to the origin of Allophaiomys [ Arvicolidae, Rodentia ] in Central Europe: the relationship between Mimomys and Allophaiomys from Kamyk [ Poland ]
Garapich A., Nadachowski A. 1996. A contribution to the origin of Microtus (Arvi colidae, Rodentia) in Central Europe: the relationship between Mimomys and Allopha iomys from Kamyk (Poland). Acta zool, cracov. 39(1): 179-184. 3 Abstract. The morphology of M 1 and M3 of Allophaiomys deucalion and Mimomys tornensis from Kamyk (Poland) was studied using canonical discriminant analysis. The data obtained have confirmed the specific distinctness of these forms. It is doubtful whether the European M. tornensis is the direct ancestor of Allophaiomys. The appearan ce of the Allophaiomys deucalion/pliocaenicus group in Central Europe is presumably due to immigration, most probably from the Ukraine.