On Supporting HCOME-3O Ontology Argumentation Using Semantic Wiki Technology

To support the sharing of consistently evolved and living ontologies within and across different communities, HCOME-3O framework has been recently proposed. The framework introduces a set of three (meta-) ontologies for capturing the meta-information that is necessary for interlinking, sharing, and combining knowledge among the parties involved in a collaborative (domain) ontology engineering process. Although a prototype software (namely HCONE) based on this framework has being developed, collaborative tasks embedded in the HCOME methodology such as the ontology argumentation could be alternatively designed using open and Web community-driven (collective intelligence-based) technologies. In this short paper we state our position that the existing technology used to develop a Semantic Wiki (and its extensions) can be re-used in HCOME-3O-based tools in order to support Web community-driven collaborative ontology engineering tasks.