Macroeconomics: Individual Choice and Its Consequences

1. Economic Thinking. 2. Mutually Beneficial Exchange. 3. The Market Mechansim: Supply and Demand. 4. Economic Efficiency: A Measure of Market Performance. 5. Decision Making in an Imperfect World. 6. The Elasticity of Demand. 7. The Theory of Consumer Behavior. 8. Entrepreneurial Behavior. 9. Production Costs. 10. Revenues and Profit Maximization. 11. The Perfect Competition Model. 12. Small Firm Behavior: The Imperfect Competition Model. 13. Large Firm Behavior: The Imperfect Competition Model. 14. The Regulation of Business Behavior: Policy in Transition. 15. The Theory of Resource Markets. 16. The Labor Market. 17. Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining. 18. The Capital Market. 19. Income Inequality and Poverty. 20. Externalities, Public Goods, and Common-Property Resources: Problems for the Market Mechanism. 21. International Trade. Index.