MOPADS (Models of Operator Performance in Air Defense Systems). Appendices
Abstract : This report describes the MOPADS (Models of Operator Performance in Air Defense Systems) simulation system. The first section describes the human factors method that is being used to represent operator task performance and goal seeking behavior. Times for skill-based behaviors will be 'moderated' by literature-based functions that reflect the influences of factors endogenous and exogenous to the operator. Operators sequence tasks by selecting activities that improve their goals. The second describes models for the AN/TSQ-73 and IHAWK systems that comprise MOPADS. The operator goals and tasks that are represented are discussed. The third discusses the computer implementation of the models. A data base is used to maintain problem parameters and to manage the communications among operators and AD units. The last section describes the documentation for MOPADS. Appendixes contain reports that provide user documentation. These documents provide sufficient information for a MOPADS user to exercise the models that exist in MOPADS. Appendixes D - J are a collection of documents for the MOPADS modeler who will design and develop MOPADS models of new air defense systems and integrate them with the rest of the MOPADS system.