Permanently altered hippocampal structure, excitability, and inhibition after experimental status epilepticus in the rat: The “dormant basket cell” hypothesis and its possible relevance to temporal lobe epilepsy

The relationship between an episode of status epilepticus, the resulting hippocampal pathology, and the subsequent development of pathophysiological changes possibly relevant to human cpilepsy was explored using the experimental epilepsy model of perforant path stimulation in the rat. Granule cell hyperexcitability and decreased feedforward and feedback inhibition were evident immediately after 24 hours of intermittent perforant path stimulation and persisted relatively unchanged for more than 1 year. All of the pathophysiological changes induced by perforant path stimulation were replicated in normal animals by a subconvulsive dose of bicuculline, suggesting that the permanent “epileptiform” abnormalities produced by sustained perforant path stimulation may be due to decreased GABA‐mediated inhibition. Granule cell pathophysiology was seen only in animals that exhibited a loss of adjacent dentate hilar mossy cells and hilar somatostatin/neuropeptide Y‐immunoreactive neurons. GABA‐immunoreactive dentate basket cells survived despite the extensive loss of adjacent hilar neurons. However, Parvalbumin immunoreactivity, present normally in a subpopulation of GABA‐immunoreactive dentate basket cells, was absent on the stimulated side. Whether this represents decreased parvalbumin synthesis in surviving basket cells or a loss of a specific subset of inhibitory cells is unclear.

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