Initial Evaluations of New TRANSYT-7F Version 8.1 Program

Recently released TRANSYT-7F version 8.1 was found to provide significant feature improvements such as multiple-cycle simulation, spillback effects, and optimization for oversaturated conditions. An overview of these new features compared with features of the previous version is presented. A comparison between the new TRANSYT-7F version 8.1 and the previous version 7.2 for oversaturated, closely spaced intersections is based on CORSIM simulations. The comparison results show that the new TRANSYT-7F program outperforms the previous one in terms of average delay, queue time, and throughput for oversaturated conditions, but results for undersaturated conditions were similar. The results indicate the queue-blocking algorithm and multiple-cycle simulation recently added to TRANSYT-7F are essential for traffic signal optimization during oversaturated conditions.