A New Digital Audio Watermarking Scheme Robust to Desynchronization Attacks

It is a challenging work to design a robust audio watermarking scheme against various attacks. Based on wavelet moment and synchronization code, we propose a new digital audio watermarking algorithm with good auditory quality and reasonable resistance toward desynchronization attacks in this paper. Firstly, the origin digital audio is segmented and then each segment is cut into two parts. Secondly, with the spatial watermarking technique, synchronization code is embedded into the statistics average value of audio samples in the first part. And then, map 1D digital audio signal in the second part into 2D form, and calculate its wavelet moments. Finally, the watermark bit is embedded into the average value of modulus of the low-order wavelet moments. Simulation results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is not only inaudible and robust against common signals processing, but also robust against the desynchronization attacks.