Automatic Feature Extraction System.

Abstract : The AFES (Automatic Feature Extraction System) is designed to be a testbed for evaluation of semi-automatic and computer-assisted techniques for automated production flow processes. Its intended input sources included National Sensors and LANDSAT imagery, and its functional capabilities are expandable to permit its use as an experimental testbed for feature extraction. Initial AFES capabilities are applicable to the extraction of planimetric, cultural, and landscape characteristics as required for production of Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD). The system's hardware configuration provides for input scanning and conversion, image storage and retrieval, interaction with multiple softcopy displays, feature delineation, and output plotting of feature data. The AFES software includes a large collection of system and applications modules which support a wide variety of functions. The operating system supports a multi-user environment, a tree-structure, a complete software control system for system and applications programs, program development aids, documentation aids, and interfaces to all peripheral devices and subsystems.