Basic Principles of Structural Equation Modeling: An Introduction to LISREL and EQS

Contents: Preface Frequently Used Symbols and Notation List of Figures and Tables CHAPTER 1: Linear Regression and Classical Path Analysis Overview and Key Points. Linear Ordinary Least Squares Regression. Classical Path Analysis. Summary. Exercises. Recommended Readings. CHAPTER 2: Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Overview and Key Points. Specification and Identification of a CFA Model. Data-Model Fit. Model Modification. Validity and Reliability from a CFA Perspective. Summary. Exercises. Recommended Readings. CHAPTER 3: General Structural Equation Modeling. Overview and Key Points. Specification and Identification of a General Structural Equation Model. The Direct, Indirect, and Total Structural Effect Components. Parameter Estimation. The Structural Equation Modeling Process: An Illustrated Review and Summary. Conclusion. Exercises. Recommended Readings. APPENDIX A: The Simplis Command Language. APPENDIX B: Location, Dispersion and Association. APPENDIX C: Matrix Algebra APPENDIX D: Descriptive Statistics for the SES Analysis. APPENDIX E: Descriptive Statistics for the HBI Analysis. References. Index.