The Scientific Basis for Estimating Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations

This prepublication version of The Science Basis for Estimating Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations has been provided to the public to facili tate timely access to the committee's findings. Although the substance of the report is final, minor editorial changes may be made throughout the text and citations will be checked prior to publication. The final interim report will be available in July 2002.

Christopher B. Field | Calvin B. Parnell | William A. Wulf | James N. Galloway | Wayne P. Robarge | George R. Hallberg | Russel D. Andrews | Robert G. Flocchini | Kelly D. Zering | Michael P. Lacy | Van C. Bowersox | Daniel S Greenbaum | Deanne Meyer | Gilbert A. Leveille | Gary L. Cromwell | B. Alberts | D. Allen | C. Field | R. Dickerson | J. Schauer | G. Orians | I. Burke | J. Goff | J. Galloway | G. Leveille | R. Flocchini | G. Cromwell | W. Powers | R. Fridley | J. Kitchell | G. Hallberg | R. Andrews | K. Zering | C. Parnell | A. Seidl | R. W. Hardy | R. Kohn | V. Bowersox | Ingrid C. Burke | W. Robarge | James Jay Schauer | Kristen A. Johnson | D. Meyer | James J. Zuiches | M. Lacy | D. Topliff | W. Wulf | P. Hagenstein | R. Pritchard | Brian McBride | K. E. Rinehart | S. Charlotte | K. Baer | J. Jonker | Stephanie Padgham | HarleyW. Moon | B. Glenn | W. R. Gomes | N. Rachman | J. Suttie | J. Zuiches | Charlotte Kirk Staff | J. Baer | D. Greenbaum | C. Henry | Ja Johnson | Louise M Ryan | James J Staff | R. Reisa | M. Wassel | Blake B. Anderson | Bob Bottcher | J. Crenshaw | John H. Martin | Hall Associates | Del Dover | S. Mcgregor | John W. Suttie | James F. Kitchell | Bruce M. Alberts | Perry R. Hagenstein | Russell R Dickerson | Richard Alan Kohn | Robbit H. Pritchard | Jesse Paul Goff | Ronald W. Hardy | Brian Wright Mcbride | Keith E Rinehart | Donald R. Topliff | Staff Charlotte | Kristian Baer | Jamie Jonker | Stephanie Padgham | HarleyW. Moon | Robert B Fridley | Barbara Gregg Glenn | Willian Roberto Gomes | Nancy J. Rachman | Julie Baer | G. Harrison Orians | David Thomas Allen | Carol St. Henry | James Harmon Johnson | Louise Ryan | Ray Reisa | M. S. Wassel | Bob Bottcher | John D Crenshaw | John Hugh Martin | Hall Associates | Delaware F Robert Dover | Shauni Mcgregor | W. J. Sweasey Powers | Andrew F. Seidl | Russel D. Andrews | H. Associates

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