Iowa's National Laboratory for the study of Rural Telemedicine: a description of a work in progress.

As the federal administration advances the idea of the "information superhighway," many disciplines are being challenged to find ways to use advanced telecommunications to improve access to information, enhance learning opportunities, and achieve higher levels of international competitiveness. Telemedicine, the use of communications technology in the practice of medicine, may change the way rural health care is provided by improving access to medical information, diagnostic tools, and consultations. The information and health care services required by health care professionals are rapidly changing, and dissemination of this information to isolated practitioners has proven to be difficult. By providing support electronically from a central site, the most current information is more readily available. Using test-bed hospitals in rural and urban settings, the National Library of Medicine-funded National Laboratory for the Study of Rural Telemedicine at the University of Iowa is currently developing the necessary infrastructure to support targeted projects studying how telemedicine applications can be made more effective and readily available.