Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data

OVERVIEW OF SPATIAL DATA PROBLEMS Introduction to Spatial Data and Models Fundamentals of Cartography Exercises BASICS OF POINT-REFERENCED DATA MODELS Elements of Point-Referenced Modeling Spatial Process Models Exploratory Approaches for Point-Referenced Data Classical Spatial Prediction Computer Tutorials Exercises BASICS OF AREAL DATA MODELS Exploratory Approaches for Areal Data Brook's Lemma and Markov Random Fields Conditionally Autoregressive (CAR) Models Simultaneous Autoregressive (SAR) Models Computer Tutorials Exercises BASICS OF BAYESIAN INFERENCE Introduction to Hierarchical Modeling and Bayes Theorem Bayesian Inference Bayesian Computation Computer Tutorials Exercises HIERARCHICAL MODELING FOR UNIVARIATE SPATIAL DATA Stationary Spatial Process Models Generalized Linear Spatial Process Modeling Nonstationary Spatial Process Models Areal Data Models General Linear Areal Data Modeling Exercises SPATIAL MISALIGNMENT Point-Level Modeling Nested Block-Level Modeling Nonnested Block-Level Modeling Misaligned Regression Modeling Exercises MULTIVARIATE SPATIAL MODELING Separable Models Coregionalization Models Other Constructive Approaches Multivariate Models for Areal Data Exercises SPATIOTEMPORAL MODELING General Modeling Formulation Point-Level Modeling with Continuous Time Nonseparable Spatio-Temporal Models Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Models Block-Level Modeling Exercises SPATIAL SURVIVAL MODELS Parametric Models Semiparametric Models Spatio-Temporal Models Multivariate Models Spatial Cure Rate Models Exercises SPECIAL TOPICS IN SPATIAL PROCESS MODELING Process Smoothness Revisited Spatially Varying Coefficient Models Spatial CDFs APPENDICES Matrix Theory and Spatial Computing Methods Answers to Selected Exercises REFERENCES AUTHOR INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Short TOC