The Esophagus
¶More than any other organ, the esophagus suffers from neglect at the t ime of routine physical examination. I t shouldn't . The esophagus is not inaccessible to the stethoscope. ¶The esophagus is examined by ascultating the swallowing sounds and timing the interval between initiation of deglutition and emptying of the esophageal ampulla (Am. J. Digest. Dis. 19: 309, 1952). This is a measure of the swallowing time and permits detection of an isolated lesion or diffuse disease which either obstructs or interferes with esophageal motility. Because of nonspeeificity and allinclusiveness, it is particularly helpful and coarse as a diagnostic technic. Xormal swallowing time is about 7 seconds (patient in upright position).