Optical alignment of the JWST ISIM to the OTE simulator (OSIM): current concept and design studies

The James Webb Space Telescope's (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) contains the observatory's four science instruments and their support subsystems. During alignment and test of the integrated ISIM at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the Optical telescope element SIMulator (OSIM) will be used to optically stimulate the science instruments to verify their operation and performance. In this paper we present the design of two cryogenic alignment fixtures that will be used to align the OSIM to the ISIM during testing at GSFC. These fixtures, the Master Alignment Target Fixture (MATF) and the ISIM Alignment Target Fixture (IATF), will provide continuous, six degree of freedom feedback to OSIM during initial ambient alignment as well as during cryogenic vacuum testing. These fixtures will allow us to position the OSIM and detect OSIM-ISIM absolute alignment to better than 180 microns in translation and 540 micro-radians in rotation. We will provide a brief overview of the OSIM system and we will also discuss the relevance of these fixtures in the context of the overall ISIM alignment and test plan.