Strongly Typed Genetic Programming in Evolving Cooperation Strategies

A key concern in genetic programming GP is the size of the state space which must be searched for large and complex problem do mains One method to reduce the state space size is by using Strongly Typed Genetic Programming STGP We applied both GP and STGP to construct cooperation strate gies to be used by multiple predator agents to pursue and capture a prey agent on a grid world This domain has been extensively studied in Distributed Arti cial Intelligence DAI as an easy to describe but di cult to solve cooperation problem The evolved programs from our systems are competitive with manually derived greedy algorithms In particular the STGP paradigm evolved strategies in which the predators were able to achieve their goal without explicitly sens ing the location of other predators or com municating with other predators This is an improvement over previous research in this area The results of our experiments indicate that STGP is able to evolve programs that perform signi cantly better than GP evolved programs In addition the programs gener ated by STGP were easier to understand