It is now becoming a general notion that a hyperactive / dysregulated immune system, with an image that in an autoimmune response, is a significant factor behind the mortality of covid-19 disease [1]. The reaction often arrives late (1-3 weeks after illness) and rapidly in the course of the disease. So far, attempts to find effective drugs have had very limited success. Derivatives of antimalaria drugs and anti-ebola drugs are under review, as is the supply of convalescent plasma from previously infected [1-3]. Autoimmune diseases and also autoimmune reactions in immune checkpoint inhibitors in tumor diseases are often treated with corticosteroids [4]. In severe autoimmune diseases, biological drugs such as TNF blockers, interleukin-1 and 6 inhibitors, and inhibitors of T and B cell surface markers have been used [5]. In very severe autoimmune disease, cytostatic drugs such as methotrexate and cyclophosphamide have been used successfully in, for example, rheumatoid arthritis or vasculitis [6-8]. We now propose that in more severe cases of covid-19 this possibility be tested for the following reasons: