API-581에 의한 정성적 위험기반검사(RBI) 프로그램 개발

Industrial facilities are becoming more complex and various with rapidly developing technologies. A number of installations and equipments are increased to improve productivity, and they are operated under the condition of high temperature and pressure. They are continuously repaired, replaced or abolished because of the deterioration with time, but their repair and replacement are not easy for economical and environmental concerns. If possible, the deteriorating equipments should be inspected and repaired effectively considering the state of maintenance and preservation, economic efficiency, and safety. That's where RBI(Risk Based Inspection) fits in. Even if RBI technology has been known among specialists, there were no tools readily available and it was hard to practice and apply RBI in industrial inspection and safety management. In the development of the qualitative RBI, the overall algorithm adopted API-581 BRD. The qualitative RBI program was developed to search the appling process.